What's your summer plan? Are you traveling? How do you plan to stay connected to God's word? God includes you in his plans.
My sister is one of the family trip planners. She loves to figure out who is going where and doing what. A lot of work goes into planning a vacation. Where will you stay? How long will you drive? What will it cost? Vacations are an important part of emotional health through family bonding and relaxation.
What if we put the same amount of time and energy into planning for our spiritual health? When things are going "fine," we don't feel the need to take care of our spiritual health. Comfort lulls us into complacency.
God's law, like being jolted awake by a thunderstorm, shocks us into realizing that we are not ok without connecting to his word on a regular basis.
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
This world is not a safe place. The devil is sneaky. God warns us not to become complacent.
God also makes a plan. Did you realize you were part of God's plan?
[God blessed us] when he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, so that we would be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ. He did this in accordance with the good purpose of his will (Ephesians 1:4-5)
God made a plan to love you and adopt you in Christ before he created you, before he created the world. He worked out where and when Jesus would stay and live. God calculated how much it would cost, the life of his Son. That must mean you are pretty important to him.
Isn't it good to know this? What would happen to your worries if you were grounding your heart to this on a regular basis?
Make a plan this summer to connect to God's grace every day. Make it consistent and witness God slowly working on your heart.

Resources for your Summer Spiritual Growth
Summer read: The Baptismal Life by Rev. Dr. Michael Berg (grandson of the first pastor at Grace). Order from NPH or Amazon.
Choose one of these Bible reading plans.
Read one Psalm a day this summer. It will take you 150 days.
Out of town over the weekend? Find a WELS church near where you will be. Meet new people who have a common faith. Take the Lord's Supper while out of town.